The 1st Neuro-Ophthalmology Forum was successfully held in the spirit of sincere cooperation between specialists across disciplines

The 1st Neuro-Ophthalmology Forum, held on June 20, 2024 in Prague. This congress was an important step towards deepening collaboration between neurologists and ophthalmologists. Our aim was not only to share expertise but also to develop a multidisciplinary approach in the care of patients with neuro-ophthalmological problems.
Neurologists: all patients must receive high quality care | 2024 ReMuS Registry Press Conference

If a person is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, it shouldn't matter whether they live in Cheb, Kolín, or Frýdek-Místek—they should receive the same care at all centers across the Czech Republic. Thanks to the ReMuS Registry...
The 5th ReMuS Registry Workshop took place

On Friday, November 3rd, the 5th workshop for clinicians, nurses, and registry administrators from all MS centers in the Czech Republic took place. Held at the Hermitage Hotel in Prague, the workshop covered topics such as safety monitoring using the MedDRA, ongoing projects...
Unique concert for 10 years of the ReMuS Registry

On the stage of the refectory of Emmaus Abbey, during one evening in November, all those who were not only at the birth of the ReMuS Registry, but also its successors, gathered. Musical accompaniment was provided by the singer Kateřina Marie Tichá with her band Bandjeez and guests.
Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis is Experiencing a Revolution | ReMuS Registry Press Conference 2023

In anticipation of World Multiple Sclerosis Day (MS), the ReMuS patient registry held its traditional press conference on May 25, 2023. During the conference, the most up-to-date data on MS and the practical achievements made over the 10 years of the ReMuS registry's existence were presented...
Covid-19 and multiple sclerosis under scrutiny | ReMuS 2021 registry press conference

Exactly 1,918 patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) who have also contracted coronavirus are being closely monitored by doctors in the ReMuS Multiple Sclerosis Patient Registry. Since March last year, they have been investigating the symptoms, treatment and possible impact of coronavirus on this specific group of people. Initial analyses show that MS is not a risk factor, but patients who are older, have more severe neurological impairment, are obese and also have some type of chronic therapy are at higher risk...