Partnership and support for the ReMuS registry

ReMuS is a non-governmental, non-profit project dedicated to the collection and analysis of data on patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) in the Czech Republic. Our work is key to understanding the prevalence, course and treatment of MS, and is essential for research, treatment and patient support.

Our Partners

Our activities would not be possible without the support and cooperation of our partners...

Financing of the registry

Our activities are financed through an endowment fund, which draws on donations and proceeds from fundraising events. Details of funding and annual reports are available here.

The Register has its own separate account with Fio banka: 2600340999/2010. Your support is indispensable for us and we appreciate it very much.

Support options

You can support us directly with a financial donation to our bank account. Your donation is tax deductible. Individuals can deduct up to 15 % from the tax base if the total value of the gift exceeds CZK 1,000 or 2 % from tax. Legal entities can deduct up to 10 % from tax if the gift exceeds CZK 2,000. We will be happy to issue a certificate for tax purposes, just contact us here.

Newsletter of the ReMuS registry

Occasionally, we will send you news from the field of multiple sclerosis research and the ReMuS registry in the form of a digital newsletter.